
What is Syn?

Syn is a very easy-to-use, customer-derived set of applications that connects your business & e-shops automatically to Marketplaces and other sellers Globally.

  Updated at  04 Aug, 2021
Is it really for free?

We aim to provide our basic integrations, with no charge to every shop owner in the world.

  Updated at  04 Aug, 2021
Do you offer customizations?

Our experienced team of professionals can bring tailor-made solutions to any problem you may face. Just contact us.

  Updated at  04 Aug, 2021
Can we suggest integrations to new marketplaces?

Yes. Of course you can.

  Updated at  04 Aug, 2021
Is Syn one application or many?

Syn is one ecosystem of applications. Although all the Syn applications deal with integrations, we have to create a specific Syn application for linking each marketplace separately, due to every marketplace being technically different.

  Updated at  04 Aug, 2021
Do we have to download each Syn application for different marketplaces, separately?

Yes. It is better for you to download each Syn integration separately, so that you can choose your own integrations.

  Updated at  04 Aug, 2021

Interested in a new integration?

Request us to add new marketplaces here.

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