Table of contents
With "Premium" you have access to more options, where you can configure the SYN app the way you want! Below is a list of them and many more are on the way...

General Options
- Specific Collection
At the dropdown menu, you can find all of your collections. If you want to include only one of them in the XML feed, you can do it here. - Separate Variants
By default, variants in the XML are grouped. With this option, you can separate every variant to be shown as a different product, grouping them only by size. - Out of Stock Delivery Time
Select the availability time you want your out-of-stock products to have. If none of the options fits you, select Custom and type the desired text. - Custom Domain
In case you use a custom domain, type it here. For example:
- Map your options
With this option, you can help us understand how your options are named in your store. If you have different wordings or phrases for the names of the size/color/material options, then simply press the Load options button and then start matching the appropriate values to the respective option, by clicking on the input fields and selecting them. - Compare at Price Field
Select this option if you want the "compare at price" to be added in the XML as a field in every product. - Handling Discounted Prices
In case you have a particular reason to include the "compare at price" field in all the XML products at all times, select this option. In case a product doesn't have a compare at price on Shopify, this field will take the value of its standard price instead. - Add color/size to product title
In case you want to add the color or the size of every product at the end of the product's name in the XML, simply select these options. This way for example, if a product's title is "Apple iPhone 12 Pro" and its color is "Black", it will appear in the XML with product name "Apple iPhone 12 Pro Black". Don't select this option if you've already added the color or the size in the product title yourself! - Add additional images
By default, the app adds only the main image to every product in the feed. Select this option, if you want all additional images to be added to your XML feed products. - Delivery Time based on Product Tags
Most of the time, products have different availabilities. You can fix that by adding a tag like "availability:..." to the group of products that have this custom availability. e.g.availability:Delivery 1 to 3 days
- Product Title based on Product Tags
Select this option if you want specific products to have a different title, by adding the product tag "title:...", e.g.title:Apple iPhone 12 Pro (128GB) Silver
- Image URL based on Product Tags
Select this option if you want specific products to have a different primary image, by adding the product tag "image:...", e.g.image:
- Product URL based on Product Tags
Select this option if you want specific products to have a different product URL, by adding the product tag "url:...", e.g.url:
- Exclude from Feed
Select this option if you want to exclude specific products from Skroutz, based on the product tagexclude-skroutz
- Category Tree
Here you will find a list of all the product types of your products. On the right side of every product type, you can type the category you want to apply to these products.
Glami-specific Options
- Product Glami CPC based on product tags
Select this option if you want specific products to have a CPC field by adding the product tag "glamicpc:...", e.g.glamicpc:0.0456
- Product material based on product tags
Select this option if you want to add a material and a material percentage to the product, based on the product tag "material:...|percentage:...", e.g.material=fleece|percentage=0.50
- Category Tree
You can find this option on the Dashboard of the Glami XML Feed application. Instead of matching the product types to categories by typing inside the field input on the right, you can simply press the product type button and select a category path from the options that appear.

Just don't forget to click the Save button at the top of your screen when you're done!